Welcome to Iqraa Book Club! You may know us from your school's Iqraa Book Club Magazine or maybe from one of our social media channels. Look out for our discounted bundles featured below, they change every school term!

Our Latest Catalogue
  • Tell Me About The Prophet Muhammad

    This book presents the life of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, from his childhood in the desert to his divine mission and early preaching in Makkah. It goes on to describe the hostility of Makkans towards his message, their total boycott of him and his family, the Night Journey to seven heavens and the migration from Makkah to Madinah. In Madinah he was welcomed and lived there for ten years teaching and calling people to the divine truth. His life went through stages of poverty, prosperity, defeat and success. Yet whatever his state of well-being or hardship, he never once strayed from the path of moderation, bringing his message of peace and truth to all mankind.

  • Tell Me About The Prophet Musa

    This book presents the life of the Prophet Musa, upon whom be peace, from the days of his infancy, when he was put in a box in the river Nile, to the period of his divine mission and preaching of Allah's words. It describes how Allah saved him miraculously from the death sentence of the tyrant pharaoh, his upbringing in the palace, and his journey to Madyan and back when, on Mount Sinai, Allah spoke to him directly. It goes on to describe the parting of the sea and the utter defeat of pharaoh and his mighty army as Prophet Musa leads his followers out of Egypt. Finally, the Children of Israel reach the Promised Land. These exciting historical events are presented in a simple, informative style, with beautiful illustrations, so that young people may easily understand and enjoy them.

  • Tell Me About The Prophet Yusuf

    This book tells the story of the Prophet Yusuf and his brothers. It starts in Yusuf's early childhood when his family used to live in tents in the desert, then moves on to the time when he was almost grown up and his brothers threw him into a dry well. It describes how this horrific incident comes as a blessing in disguise, for the young Yusuf was taken to Egypt by a caravan and ultimately made a powerful and trusted minister of the Egyptian king only to be eventually reunited with his family.